christian writer


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Ladysmith, Vancouver Island , BC , Canada
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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Psalm 73

~ Resonates with me.

v21 When my heart was grieved and my spirit embittered, I was like a bull I a china shop, Lord. My heart had turned inward, folded down on itself in pride and self pity. Callous and untouchable ; cold as stone: painful to the touch.

V16 when I tried to make sense of everything, to find some meaning or understanding I was laid low with a crushing heaviness. Until, I entered your presence, oh Lord.

v23 You have always been with me, and I with you, but yet at arms length had I kept you. Still striving with self. When the final frayed edges of my rope's end I came, I tip toed into your sanctuary, humbled by your presence.

v17 In sorrow and shame I understood my destiny. Like the prodigal son who lingered in pig's slop, reluctant to confess, I came.

and knelt.

v23 With your right hand laid upon me, you received me, you forgave me, and cleansed me, and gently unfolding my crumpled heart you breathed the breath of life.

v24 You are always before me, guiding me, teaching me, my Father, my friend.

v25 There is  nothing on this earth that compares with living close to you, Lord. My heart bursts with the fullness of knowing you.

v26 With every rhythmic beat that you impart to me, I am strengthened. I am growing stronger, Father.

v28 You are my eternal refuge, both now and forever more.

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